Southwest PaintingsLow Clouds In High Country24X36Canyon De Chelly24X36Three Turkey Canyon18X24Ladder From The Plain18X24Cracking The Whip16X12Empire Ranch12X1611Pushing Through Sagebrush Country30 X 24Chased by the Sun24 X 3011Spirits of Navajo Warriors24 X 3011Ghost Ranch Roundup24 X 3011Monsoon Afterglow18 X 24Enveloped by Shadows12 X 911Guarded by the Cliffs24 X 3011Warm Hogan Awaits18 X 2411Santa Fe 196524 X 1811Leaving Lee’s Ferry24 x 3011Under the Cliff24 x 24Sun Reaching Through24 x 1811Wet Canyon Floor24 x 1811Hard Blue Sky30 x 30Mountain Ridge Roundup24 x 3011Clawing at the Sky24 x 30Between the Walls18 x 1411Light of Sunset18 x 1411Half Shade18” X 14”11Between Two Worlds18 x 1411Tanque Verde Falls24 x 3011Phoneline Trail30 x 4011Thimble Peak Rises Beyond16 x 2011Two Ovens20 x 2011The Queen20 x 20Six Happy Cows36 x 3611Cottonwoods Turning24 x 1811Five Mustangs24 x 2411After the Winter Thaw30 x 2411Difficult Creek24 x 3011Shadowed Tumacocori24 x 2411Bench Land Ranch20 x 2411Where Walls Tower24 x 30Spirited Navajo Ponies24 x 3011Land That is Little Changed24 x 1811Autumn at the Firehole18 x 24Moonlit Sycamores24 x 24Crossing the Snowmelt24 x 24Creek Born of Spring Rains24 x 1811Sky In Yellowstone River24 x 24Twelve Mustangs30 x 24Under the Rim18 x 2411Unlit Clouds24 x 2411First Light in Laguna Creek20 x 2411Canyon Cottonwoods24 x 18Souther Paiute Seasonal Move30 x 3011Westering Sun20 x 20Upper Salt River Canyon16 x 1211Autumn Passes18 x 24