Midwest PaintingsBig Sky in Little Black Lake24 x 18Where the Sky Lives24 x 18Path To My Heart24 x 30111947 8N Tractor24 x 1811Last Cutting20 x 2011Brammer Grist Mill30 x 2411Two Fields20 x 2011Fall Just Happens24 x 2411Glow Of Pink20 x 2011Two Mallards14 x 1111Sunwashed16 x 20Clashing Limbs16 x 2011Cottonwood Trail24 x 30Missing Window Pane24 x 2411Buffalo Clouds20 x 16Clouds Born Of The Sky24 x 24Bohemian Valley20" X 16"Boarded Up11" X 14"Backlit Shadows18 x 2411Dancing Sunlight24 x 3011Sunset Storm24 x 3011Still Standing16 x 20Miller Hill Lookout16 x 2011